Sentier du Marbre - Caunes loop

Sentier du Marbre - Caunes loop

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Very beautiful panorama of the Pyrenees on a clear day. Plunging view of the Argent-Double and the Cros (picnic tables).

Marble is present all along the circuit leading to the "Carrière du Roy" in reference to Louis XIV who had enormous blocks of marble extracted which can be admired at Versailles, the Grand Trianon and the Louvre. Caunes-Minervois marble (red with white veins) is found in churches, chapels and rich homes in the region.


Signs: Yellow markings + orange M

From the carpark along the river, go up the ramp that leads to the avenue de l'Argent-Double, cross the bridge and go up the avenue du Minervois to the wash house.

Just after the wash house, turn left onto Chemin Vieux du Cros.

When you arrive at the Chapel of Notre-Dame du Cros, take the path on the right as you go down, in the direction of "La Boriette".

At this point, go up on the left up to the pink marble quarry, pass in front of it, then in the undergrowth, a display will serve as a reference to turn on your left. Continue your walk and slowly start a descent that will require a little attention.

 When you reach the bottom of the gorge, cross the "païchère" (small dam) and walk up the path. At the junction, facing the stairs, turn right to a capitelle (dry stone hut).

Turn left on the forest track for about 200m. Outside the bend on your right, take the path going down on the Napoleon road.

You will pass over small bridges, observe the parapet well. Ignore the lateral departures. Follow the signposts, which will bring you back to Caunes-Minervois at sight by accessing the village via the Rue de la Terralbe.

Go down the Avenue du Minervois, cross the bridge and on your left, the parking lot of the "esplanade de l'Europe".

  • Towns crossed : Caunes-Minervois and Félines-Minervois


Altimetric profile

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