On the tracks of the thief

On the tracks of the thief

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A breathtaking trail, take advantage of the many exceptional viewpoints over the woods and vineyards, then enjoy a panorama of the "Justices" massif and the foothills of the western Corbières and finish with a 360° horizon over all the massifs of the department!

The name of the hike is in reference to the legend of Pierre Sourgnes, who spread terror in the villages in the 1800

A pleasant loop with passages through oak woods, stream crossings and, above all, sensational panoramas.


Signs: Yellow markings with a triangle

Departure in front of the town hall.

Go into the rue des Sardes to the right of the War Memorial, along the "yellow rectangle surmounted by a triangle" signs.

Turn onto rue Traversière, take the passage of the "Couvert du Roy" which will take you back in time.
After a short passage on rue de la Mairie, turn right on rue Tortueuse, at the bottom of this street, turn towards rue du Passadou.

The stroll carries on along a path that runs along the lower part of the village, after having passed the vegetable gardens, the first vines appear.

At the crossroads of the D 304, turn left in the direction of the "Domaine du Bru".
At the next crossroads, on the right, go down the gentle slope and pass the stream of "Préchanel".

Go left on a semi-shaded path.
Go along the small oak wood in the direction of the "pylône d'Eric" and enjoy the exceptional view of the woods and vineyards.

Continue on the right on the Saint Martin path for about 650 metres, at the crossroads, go left and then cross the bridge over the stream "Quarantus".

Go to the right, ford the stream "Le Toron", turn immediately to the left following the cement path. At the crossroads of tracks, in front of you, panorama on the massif "Des Justices" and the foothills of the western Corbières.

Turn right (itinerary from the Chemin de La Cité to the Abbey of Saint Hilaire), after about 600 metres, go up the track on the left towards the crest line through a small wood. Surprise! 360° horizon on the Minervois, the Montagne Noire and its “Pic de Nore”, the Lauragais, the Malepère, the Haute-Vallée de l'Aude, a breathtaking view of the Pyrenees chain with its Monts d'Olmes, its Porteille d'Orlu, its Pérics, its Madre massif, its Canigou and finally the Corbières.

Walk along the path the at the angle of a vineyard, turn right and cross the hedge. Go along the hedge on the left and you will come upon a track .

Go up left , and at the hight of the water basin turn right and follow the track to the entrance of the village.

  • Towns crossed : Cavanac, Leuc, and Couffoulens


Altimetric profile

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