The Sheep track

The Sheep track

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In the past, villages in the plain had large flocks of sheep. In summer, it was necessary to find new spaces. The sheep used the "carretals" and "drailles" to reach the Col de Salette. The sheep track follows part of this route. View of numerous drystone enclosures.


Signs : Yellow and Sheep pictogram

From the parking lot along the river, first admire the marble sculptures, then immediately turn right up "Rue des Ecoles" and then "Avenue Jean Jaurès" towards Carcassonne.

Before the petrol station, turn right onto "rue du Château d'Eau" and go up towards the water tank.

Continue on the forest track and as you go up, much higher up and to the right, there is a dry stone enclosure and some huts and an ancient marble quarry.

Go up to Villegause, on the right an old sheepfold dominates the landscape. Just after, leave the track and take a path on the right through a nice oak wood.

Arriving on a promontory, a panoramic view awaits you: below , the Argent-Double river flows peacefully and just in front of you stands proudly the "Roc de Moussu" (539 m).

To the left, you will see the hamlet of Montbonous and to the right the village of Caunes-Minervois. Carry on downhill, crossing the stream of "Plô de la Bonnette" and then, further down, the stream of "Combe du Roudet".  Once on the track, turn right towards "Bibaud".

Go over the bridge, cross the D 620 and go up the hill.

At the crossroads, turn right and follow the signs for Caunes-Minervois. When you arrive in the village, cross the D115 and take the street "Plô de la Sal" opposite. The signs will lead you back to the Europe parking lot through the pretty little streets of this medieval village.

  • Departure : Parking lot “Esplanade de l’Europe”
  • Arrival : Parking lot “Esplanade de l’Europe”
  • Towns crossed : Caunes-Minervois


Altimetric profile


Respect the vegetation, do not pick wild flowers.


Line A

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