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In the new Nougalet shop, 5 minutes from Carcassonne on the outskirts of Trèbes, you will find chocolates, caramels, nougats and sweets from an Aude confectioner who has been based in Luc-sur-Aude since 1951. Immerse yourself in the chocolate world of the Nougalet confectioner's and discover some of the secrets behind the production of these gourmet treasures by taking part in a guided tour of the 10 themed production areas (chocolate, praline, sugared almonds, sweets, nougats, caramel, etc.) adjacent to the Trèbes shop. Here, the expertise is showcased through a carefully designed exhibition (videos, information totems, questions for children, sweet smells, old machines, moulds, etc. ). Nougalet's creations respect the authenticity of the raw materials. Every year, our skilled chocolatiers come up with new creations to suit the changing tastes and desires of chocolate lovers. Made by hand using copper cauldrons and traditional equipment, Nougalet's expertise brings out the subtle flavours of chocolate, caramel and praline. Guided tours of the 10 production areas from Monday to Saturday, at 10.30 am, 2.15 pm and 3.30 pm. Duration: 1 hour. Followed by a tasting of different chocolates. Booking is recommended ( Guided tours for groups on request. Self-guided tours of the 10 production areas Monday to Saturday, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm (€2 to €3.50). Free for under 6s. Free on Saturday.


Téléphone fixe :
+33 4 68 74 02 63
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Adresse :
240 Rue Averroès
ZAC de Béragne
11800 TREBES
